English Language Grammar

English grammar is the way in which meanings are encoded into wordings in the English language. This includes the structure of words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and whole texts.

Grammar, Dictionary, Definitions, Meanings, Synonyms, Phrasal Verbs and much more



The Open Dictionary refers to a dictionary or lexicon that is open to contributions from the public. It is similar to a traditional dictionary in that it provides definitions of words, but it differs in that anyone can submit new entries or edit existing entries.



The goal of an open dictionary is to provide a collaborative and constantly evolving resource that reflects the current use and understanding of language by its speakers. Entries can be added, modified, or deleted by anyone with access to the platform, allowing for a more democratic and inclusive approach to language definition and representation.

List of Adverbs

List of Adverbs | Adverbs are words that usually modify — that is, they limit or restrict the meaning of—verbs. They may also …

Used – Past Time

Used refers to a  past practice or habit or state and is often used to indicate that something was done or existed in the past that  is not done or does not exist at the present

Indirect Commands

The direct imperative is replaced by the to-infinitive in the reported speech. Therefore most often used verbs in the main sentence are ..


Pronouns are a type of word used instead of a noun noun phrase. Personal Pronouns, Reflexive Pronouns , Possessive Pronouns…


There is no doubt that articles are adjectives since they modify the nouns after them. But articles have some special significance as determiners.  Articles determine the standard of nouns.

Progressive Forms In The Passive Voice

In English language two progressive forms in passive are used. The Present Progressive Passive I am being asked .The Past Progressive Passive 

The definite article before ordinal numbers

The definite article also is used before ordinal numbers.   Examples : The definite article before numbers Thursday is the fourth day of the week. The twentieth first century. the first the second the third the fifth the eighteenth the […]

The use of the indefinite article

The indefinite article a / an is used only in the singular. Examples  Hi is a nice boy. Do you have a pen? It’s a nice car, isn’t it? Are you looking for a fork? Can I get please, a […]

The Simple Present Tense

The simple present tense is used for a continual activity.  For an activity which is repeated at some regular intervals. Examples of The Simple Present

Use of Numerals in English Language

Numerals in english language can be Cardinals and Ordinals.The cardinal numerals are one, two, three, etc.The ordinal numerals are ..

The Top Ten Grammatical Mistakes in Academic Writing and How to Correct Them

Introduction Academic writing can be challenging, but it is crucial to communicate ideas effectively. Instructors grade not only on content but also on how well students express their ideas. Errors in grammar or punctuation can be distracting, reducing the quality […]

Indirect Questions

Indirect questions – When reporting questions, the reporting verbs say or tell are replaced by ask, inquire, wonder or want to know.

At first and first

At first is used to talk about the beginning of a situation. At first is often followed by but. In any other cases, we usually use first.

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Will or shall?

The difference between will and shall is now strictly adhered to by precise speakers. Shall is becoming less and less common, especially in second and third person pronouns

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Big, large and great

We use big and large with concrete nouns – the names of objects which we can see or touch. In an informal style, big is more common than large.   – He has got big / large feet. – They have a large / big house in […]

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Altogether and all together

Altogether means everything,  everything considered, entirely. I don’t altogether agree in your proposition. It is altogether wrong to ill-treat animals. All together simply means everybody or  everything together’. All together we can take it higher. He put the beers all […]

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