
In grammar, a construction refers to a particular way of combining words or phrases to create a sentence or phrase that conveys a specific meaning. Here are some common types of constructions in English grammar:   Noun phrase construction: A noun phrase construction consists of a noun and any accompanying words that modify or describe […]


In English grammar, there are different ways to make comparisons, depending on what is being compared and the degree of comparison. Here are some common ways to make comparisons in English:   Comparative adjectives: Comparative adjectives are used to compare two things, and are formed by adding -er to the end of the adjective. For […]

Collective nouns

Group words or collective nouns take a singular verb if you are talking of the group as a whole. They take a plural verb if you are talking about the individual members of the group.

Cloth and clothes

Cloth is the material used for making clothes. Clothes are things you wear. His clothes are made of expensive cloth.

close and shut

There is little difference of meaning between close and shut.

Change of tense

The first verb in a sentence establishes the tense of any verb that comes later. If you begin writing in the past, don’t change to the present. Similarly, if you begin writing in the present, don’t change to the past.

Born and borne

The passive form of the verb born (be + born) is used to talk about coming into the world at birth.   – He was born to poor parents. – I was born on a Friday. – She was born in Italy.   Borne is the past participle form of the verb bear. It is […]

Big, large and great

We use big and large with concrete nouns – the names of objects which we can see or touch. In an informal style, big is more common than large.   – He has got big / large feet. – They have a large / big house in the city.     We use great with abstract nouns – the names of things which we […]

Adjectives ending in -ly

Adverbs is used to modify verbs. Most adverbs ends  with  –ly, but there are also a adjectives that ends in – ly. Example: costly, friendly ..