Between and among

/ bɪˈtwiːn ənd əˈmʌŋ /

We use between with two or more clearly separate people or things.


She choose between Jake and Jesse.
It’s  a big difference between a bridges on the river.
What is the main difference between a motorcycle and a bicycle?


Among is used when we want to make reference to a group of people, who have something incoment and we don’t want to separate them.


It is always nice to be among friends.
The rabbit is hidden among the tall grass.

If we are using word difference, then after it’s alway going between, never among.

Anyhow and somehow

Difference between Somehow and Anyhow. Doing something In one way or another, on way not yet known, is somehow, wh

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Beside and besides

Beside  means ‘next to‘ something or ‘by‘ something it’s a meaning of beside. And beside is a preposition.   Examples I sat beside my beautiful wife. Who is that singer who was beside David on stage ?   Besides is similar to “as well as” and we can used to add new information to what […]

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