English Language Grammar

English grammar is the way in which meanings are encoded into wordings in the English language. This includes the structure of words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and whole texts.

Grammar, Dictionary, Definitions, Meanings, Synonyms, Phrasal Verbs and much more



The Open Dictionary refers to a dictionary or lexicon that is open to contributions from the public. It is similar to a traditional dictionary in that it provides definitions of words, but it differs in that anyone can submit new entries or edit existing entries.



The goal of an open dictionary is to provide a collaborative and constantly evolving resource that reflects the current use and understanding of language by its speakers. Entries can be added, modified, or deleted by anyone with access to the platform, allowing for a more democratic and inclusive approach to language definition and representation.

Say – Tell

Say – Tell | Say is used with the actual words spoken :He said: ” I don’t think so.”She said : ” Bring me the book, will you ?”

The sounds of English

When writing English we use the 26 letters of the alphabet. Spoken English has more than 26 sounds though. There are roughly 44 different sounds.

The definite article before unique things

The definite article  is used before unique things. Examples : The definite article before  unique things The earth The moon The sun The north The south The west The South Pole The present The past  

The Present Progressive Tense

The present progressive is used for an activity taking place at the moment of speaking. Examples of The Present Progressive Tense

The use of the indefinite article

The indefinite article a / an is used only in the singular. Examples  Hi is a nice boy. Do you have a pen? It’s a nice car, isn’t it? Are you looking for a fork? Can I get please, a […]

The Simple Past Tense

The simple past tense indicates an activity which took place in a definite past time, having no connection with the present. An activity in ..


There is no doubt that articles are adjectives since they modify the nouns after them. But articles have some special significance as determiners.  Articles determine the standard of nouns.


The form going + to-infinitive denotes a future activity already arranged, or decided upon. This form is very common in English for expressing such an action.

The Imperative Mood

The Imperative Mood express a command, a order, a request, a warning, or an invitation. Examples Let’s go !Hurry Up !

Indirect Questions

Indirect questions – When reporting questions, the reporting verbs say or tell are replaced by ask, inquire, wonder or want to know.

List of the irregular verbs in English

List of the irregular verbs in English. More than 600 irregular verbs. Searchable list of all irregular verbs in English language.

Can & May

Can and May, are two verbs that have only the past tense and the present tense. Verbs may and can express – ability, capability.

Adjectives ending in -ly

Adverbs is used to modify verbs. Most adverbs ends  with  –ly, but there are also a adjectives that ends in – ly. Example: costly, friendly ..

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Collective nouns

Group words or collective nouns take a singular verb if you are talking of the group as a whole. They take a plural verb if you are talking about the individual members of the group.

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Between and among

We use between with two or more clearly separate people or things. Example She choose between Jake and Jesse. It’s  a big difference between a bridges on the river. What is the main difference between a motorcycle and a bicycle? […]

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Beside and besides

Beside  means ‘next to‘ something or ‘by‘ something it’s a meaning of beside. And beside is a preposition.   Examples I sat beside my beautiful wife. Who is that singer who was beside David on stage ?   Besides is […]

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