The definite article are used before common nouns to indicate the whole class.

Examples : The definite article indicate whole class

The kangaroo is a marsupial.

The fly is an insect.

The cow give us milk.

The fish are living in a sea.

The koala is beautiful animal.

The Definite Article

The Definite Article

Omission of the definite article

Defective Verbs | Defective Verbs  in English language are - can, may, must, ought, should.Common characteristics of these verbs

The definite articles before names of the rivers, seas, oceans and chains of mountains

Defective Verbs | Defective Verbs  in English language are - can, may, must, ought, should.Common characteristics of these verbs

The definite article before unique things

Defective Verbs | Defective Verbs  in English language are - can, may, must, ought, should.Common characteristics of these verbs

The definite article before the superlative

Defective Verbs | Defective Verbs  in English language are - can, may, must, ought, should.Common characteristics of these verbs

The definite article before ordinal numbers

Defective Verbs | Defective Verbs  in English language are - can, may, must, ought, should.Common characteristics of these verbs

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