English Language Grammar

English grammar is the way in which meanings are encoded into wordings in the English language. This includes the structure of words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and whole texts.

Grammar, Dictionary, Definitions, Meanings, Synonyms, Phrasal Verbs and much more



The Open Dictionary refers to a dictionary or lexicon that is open to contributions from the public. It is similar to a traditional dictionary in that it provides definitions of words, but it differs in that anyone can submit new entries or edit existing entries.



The goal of an open dictionary is to provide a collaborative and constantly evolving resource that reflects the current use and understanding of language by its speakers. Entries can be added, modified, or deleted by anyone with access to the platform, allowing for a more democratic and inclusive approach to language definition and representation.

The definite article indicate whole class

The definite article are used before common nouns to indicate the whole class. Examples : The definite article indicate whole class

The Passive Voice

The Passive Voice is very important in English language. Only transitive verbs can form a passive.

Comparison with: as + positive + as

The comparison with as + positive + as indicates two or more persons or things of equal quality. Examples of the comparison with as  We are happy as they are! Your car is good as ours! She is beautiful as […]


The form going + to-infinitive denotes a future activity already arranged, or decided upon. This form is very common in English for expressing such an action.

Verb Formations

Verb Formations | Verbs ending in -y preceded by a consonant change -y into -ie before -s in the 3rd person singular of the simple present Language Grammar, Dictionary, Definitions, Meanings, Synonyms, Phrasal Verbs and much more

Past Participle

The past participle denotes a completed past activity when it shortens a clause. HAVING + PAST PARTICIPLE, HAVING BEEN + PAST PARTICIPLE

The Simple Future Tense

The simple future tense denotes an activity which will take place in the future, definite or indefinite.shall + infinitive will + infinitive

Omission of the indefinite article

Omission of the indefinite article is before abstract nouns used in a general sense. Examples of the omission of the indefinite article Travel completes our education. Life is grand. We are very font of music         Also […]


The English Language Alphabet consists of 26 letters, 23 from Old English and 3 added later.
The Alphabet is based on the Latin script, which is the basic set of letters common to the classical Latin alphabet.

Comparison with less and least

  The comparison with less and least in english language is very similar as in comparison in most of the languages around the world. Examples of comparison with less and least This is the least acceptable amount of money. They […]

Indirect Questions

Indirect questions – When reporting questions, the reporting verbs say or tell are replaced by ask, inquire, wonder or want to know.

Comparison of Adjectives

Comparison of Adjectives | There are two ways of comparing adjectives.

Adjectives ending in -ly

Adverbs is used to modify verbs. Most adverbs ends  with  –ly, but there are also a adjectives that ends in – ly. Example: costly, friendly ..

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At first and first

At first is used to talk about the beginning of a situation. At first is often followed by but. In any other cases, we usually use first.

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Avenge and revenge

These two words can  often be confused for non english speaker.While revenge means  "action taken in return for an injury or offense" .On the other hand -  To 'avenge Iron Man' means to ‘punish someone who has hurt Iron Man’.

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All right and alright

The standard spelling is all right, but alright is more common although many people consider it incorrect.

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