Any and some

Both some and any  suggest an indefinite number or amount of something. Some is more common in affirmative clauses. Any is used in questions and negative clauses.

Altogether and all together

Altogether means everything,  everything considered, entirely. I don’t altogether agree in your proposition. It is altogether wrong to ill-treat animals. All together simply means everybody or  everything together’. All together we can take it higher. He put the beers all together in the fridge.

Alternate and alternative

Alternative means - instead, something different. We will build an alternative project if these one don't work.

All right and alright

The standard spelling is all right, but alright is more common although many people consider it incorrect.

All and every

How to use All and every in English Language ? Every is used with a singular noun.All is used with a plural noun.

Ago and before

Ago and before - How to use Ago and before in English Language . Incorrect Correct: I finished a project three days before

Adjectives ending in -ly

Adverbs is used to modify verbs. Most adverbs ends  with  –ly, but there are also a adjectives that ends in – ly. Example: costly, friendly ..

Across and through

The difference between across and through is similar to the difference between on and in.

According to

According to Incorrect: According to me, he should have go home earlier. Correct : In my opinion, he should have go home earlier

Already and all ready

What is the difference between Already and All ready. All ready means ‘all are ready’. Already means 'by now' or 'sooner than expected'.