Whoever, Whatever, Whichever

The relative pronouns Who, What, and Which may be emphasized by adding -ever and have a general meaning.

What – Relative Pronouns

A relative pronoun is a pronoun that start a relative clause within a sentence. Relative pronoun – What is most common relative pronoun in everyday speech.

That – Relative Pronouns

Relative pronoun – That is unstressed and it is refers to both, persons and things. A relative pronoun is a pronoun that start ...

Which – Relative Pronouns

A relative pronoun is a pronoun that start  a relative clause within a  sentence. Relative pronoun - Which refers to things only an differs from interrogative which, because it has no selective meaning.

Whose – Relative Pronouns

Relative Pronouns – Whose – are used for persons and things.A relative pronoun is a pronoun that start  a relative clause within a  sentence.

Whom – Relative Pronouns

Relative Pronouns - Whom - are used for persons only. A relative pronoun is a pronoun that start  a relative clause within a  sentence.

Who – Relative Pronouns

Who is relative pronouns that can be used for persons only. Examples of Who relative pronouns. I wish I knew girl who draw it.