The construction be + to-infinitive also denotes a future activity already planned. This form also denotes obligation, intention or what should be done.


The form going + to-infinitive denotes a future activity already arranged, or decided upon. This form is very common in English for expressing such an action.

The Future Perfect Tense

The future perfect tense indicates a future activity which will be ended by a definite moment or period of time.

The Present Perfect Tense

The present perfect denotes a future activity in a temporal clause. Such an activity always covers three periods: the past, the present and, the future

The Future Progressive Tense

The Future Progressive Tense denotes an activity which will take place in a definite future moment or period of time. The definite moment/period is either expressed in the sentence or clearly indicated by context or situation.

The Simple Present Tense

The simple present tense denotes a future activity which is considered as a part of a programme already fixed. It is usually accompanied  by some adverbial.

The Present Progressive Tense

The present progressive tense denotes an activity whis is planned to take place in the future. Construction of the present progressive tense :

The Simple Future Tense

The simple future tense denotes an activity which will take place in the future, definite or indefinite.shall + infinitive will + infinitive