Long adjectives are compared by means of more and most:

Positive Comparative Superlative
crowded more crowded the most crowded
confused more confused the most confused
charming more charming the most charming
expensive more expensive the most expensive
convenient more convenient the most convenient
delightful more delightful the most delightful
frightened more frightened the most frightened
convenient more convenient the most convenient
beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful


Comparison with more and most

Comparison with more and most


The following long adjectives may also be compared by adding -(e)r and -(e)st, of by means of more and most.

Positive Comparative Superlative
handsome handsomer
more handsome
the most handsome
profound profounder
more profound
the most profound
severe severer
more severe
the most severe
pleasant pleasanter
more pleasant
the most pleasant
common commoner
more common
the most common
sincere sincerer
more sincere
the most sincere
precise preciser
more precise
the most precise
concise conciser
more concise
the most concise




Unlike the construction the definite article + superlative, the construction the indefinite article + superlative is not used for comparison, but to denote a high degree of some quality.


The Comparative and The Superlative

Defective Verbs | Defective Verbs  in English language are - can, may, must, ought, should.Common characteristics of these verbs

Comparison with less and least

Defective Verbs | Defective Verbs  in English language are - can, may, must, ought, should.Common characteristics of these verbs

Comparison with: as + positive + as

Defective Verbs | Defective Verbs  in English language are - can, may, must, ought, should.Common characteristics of these verbs

Irregular comparison

Defective Verbs | Defective Verbs  in English language are - can, may, must, ought, should.Common characteristics of these verbs

Comparison of Adjectives

Defective Verbs | Defective Verbs  in English language are - can, may, must, ought, should.Common characteristics of these verbs

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