English Language Grammar

English grammar is the way in which meanings are encoded into wordings in the English language. This includes the structure of words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and whole texts.

Grammar, Dictionary, Definitions, Meanings, Synonyms, Phrasal Verbs and much more



The Open Dictionary refers to a dictionary or lexicon that is open to contributions from the public. It is similar to a traditional dictionary in that it provides definitions of words, but it differs in that anyone can submit new entries or edit existing entries.



The goal of an open dictionary is to provide a collaborative and constantly evolving resource that reflects the current use and understanding of language by its speakers. Entries can be added, modified, or deleted by anyone with access to the platform, allowing for a more democratic and inclusive approach to language definition and representation.

The Present Progressive Tense

The present progressive tense denotes an activity whis is planned to take place in the future. Construction of the present progressive tense :

Reported Speech

What is reported speech in English language ? When we repeat something said by another person, we can quote his actual words:

The use of the indefinite article

The indefinite article a / an is used only in the singular. Examples  Hi is a nice boy. Do you have a pen? It’s a nice car, isn’t it? Are you looking for a fork? Can I get please, a […]

The Present Perfect Progressive

The present perfect progressive is used for an activity begun at some time in the past – indicated by an adverbial phrase of time – and continuing at the moment of speaking.

The definite article before ordinal numbers

The definite article also is used before ordinal numbers.   Examples : The definite article before numbers Thursday is the fourth day of the week. The twentieth first century. the first the second the third the fifth the eighteenth the […]

Omission of the definite article

Omission of the definite article it’s happen before nouns used in a general sense. Examples  Life is short Time waits for nobody. Time is money.       If abstract nouns are used in a particular sense, the definite article […]

The Present Progressive Tense

The present progressive is used for an activity taking place at the moment of speaking. Examples of The Present Progressive Tense


Pronouns are a type of word used instead of a noun noun phrase. Personal Pronouns, Reflexive Pronouns , Possessive Pronouns…

Indirect Commands

The direct imperative is replaced by the to-infinitive in the reported speech. Therefore most often used verbs in the main sentence are ..

The Present – Conditional Sentences

Conditional Sentences expressing a condition which cannot be fulfilled in the present, i.e. at the moment of speaking, or the possibility …

The Simple Past Tense

The simple past tense indicates an activity which took place in a definite past time, having no connection with the present. An activity in ..


Gender is a category of noun. A noun can have a masculine, a feminine, or a neuter gender.
In English language there is no grammatical gender, but logical division of nouns according to sex.

Between and among

We use between with two or more clearly separate people or things. Example She choose between Jake and Jesse. It’s  a big difference between a bridges on the river. What is the main difference between a motorcycle and a bicycle? […]

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“Don’t” and “doesn’t”

Difference between "Don't" and "doesn't"? Don't and doesn't are contractions. Don't is a contraction of do not,  and doesn't is a contraction of does not.

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Change of tense

The first verb in a sentence establishes the tense of any verb that comes later. If you begin writing in the past, don’t change to the present. Similarly, if you begin writing in the present, don’t change to the past.

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Avenge and revenge

These two words can  often be confused for non english speaker.While revenge means  "action taken in return for an injury or offense" .On the other hand -  To 'avenge Iron Man' means to ‘punish someone who has hurt Iron Man’.

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